Techncial Design Service

Technical design is critical to the success of IM&T developments and implementations but also the stability of your IT networks and systems.  Here at Anchor we are able to offer you a comprehensive service tailored to your specific needs.  


Our design service will help you create a flexible, scalable and resilient architectural foundation to support your business through the creation of robust IT and network infrastructures, applications, management processes and operational processes.  This will enable you to :-

  • Provide a core infrastructure that is secure, scalable and performing optimally

  • Reduce expensive and often time consuming changes to meet new IM&T needs

  • Strengthen the credibility of the IM&T services in your organisation

  • Allow you to adopt new technologies and improve your return on investment

Simon Anderson has over 27 years of experience in IM&T and over 11 years working as an Enterprise Architect.


Areas we can help you with


  • Comprehensive analysis of your business requirements
  • Industry standard solutions
  • Server consolidation using virtual technology and cloud based services
  • Network infrastructures
  • Server infrastructures
  • Virtual Desktops
  • Virtual Applications
  • System patching
  • Storage and backup solutions
  • Security
  • Review of technical proposals put forward by other organisations



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